Make Your Solution Smarter with alphaMountain URL & IP Threat Intelligence

Schedule a meeting with alphaMountain.

Web filtering, phishing prevention and content blocking all rely on up to date threat intelligence. alphaMountain is a first-party data source for URL threat ratings and classification meaning that our data doesn’t rely on multiple sources to offer a decisive threat verdict and category for any domain or IP address.

Leading DNS, SWG, email gateways, secure browsers and SOCs rely on alphaMountain to keep their networks safe from malicious and harmful content on the web.

Powered by alphaMountain

The alphaMountain DiFFFerence

alphaMountain utilizes advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence to render threat verdicts and categories faster and more accurately than existing threat intelligence providers. We call these the “Three F’s” and they’re what make alphaMountain DiFFFerent.


Real-time IP threat assessments based on first-party algorithms that constantly evolve

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Visibility into contributing rationale that determine all domain and IP risk scores 



Granularity and context that enable deeper investigations and better security outcomes

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They [zvelo] rely primary on user based submissions and although they say that they get new sites down within hours. Its not true. I know some sites that still haven’t been blocked in months and if I report them they do nothing to change it.


User, Customer Support Forum, Arista Networks